This is your chance to discover one of Berlin’s up-and-coming urban districts with me.
In a group of max 10 people we will explore some of my favorite photo spots around architecture, science and history in the suburban district of Adlershof.
On a roundtrip, starting and ending at S-Bahn station Adlershof we will walk around 7 kilometers along selected locations that are perfect for artistic architecture and minimal photography with lots of photo opportunities and interesting facts about the area.
It will be a great chance to not only see hidden gems in the outskirts of Berlin but also to get in touch with people who share the same interests.
Of course there will be plenty of time to take photos and I will gladly assist you with some tipps and hints.

The language can be English, German or both, depending on the structure of our group.

You can find the dates and booking options below.